Oh, that cliffhanger and the beginning of book 2

May 24, 2021

Alright, fine, we’ll talk about that cliffhanger ending!

I knew it was a risky, and I hate cliffhangers myself, but with so much story left to tell, I thought it’d be a great place to end book one so that I could transition into the backstory of the how, when, and… “green eyes.” I think we all know who it is, but I’ll go ahead and refrain from using his name. 😉

The first act of book 2 will promptly address the cliffhanger by returning to the plane crash to take you through his experience, switching over to Jack & Bud periodically to walk you through their disappearance as well. We switch to a 3rd person view for these two sections, but don’t worry, you are returned safely to Alaina’s perspective the minute you’re all caught up!

Is there still romance? Yes… but more so, this book is adventurous. We may be leaving our little island paradise, but the journey ahead is quite exciting!

This story is moving along much faster than the first, although the characters are deviating from my original outline quite a bit and forming their own story! To be honest, I have no idea what Alaina’s going to do about this sticky situation… yet.

I can say with confidence that there is room for several more books in this series already. I have a few little “sub-stories” in mind as well related to Bud & Bertie’s past, Frankie & Dutch’s experience leading up to the island and after, and maybe a whole history of Jim Jackson.  Don’t worry, I’m focused on the main storyline right now, but these will follow! There are also 3 major new characters in this book that I think will stay with our group throughout.

It’s getting closer to done. I would love to have this ready for beta-readers by late August so that I can release in the early fall. Fingers crossed!

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