
Young Tahitian woman hired by Captain Cook to assist Maria. She falls in love with Kyle and marries him.

Bruce Dietrich

Los Angeles restaurant owner, going to Bora Bora to cater an event and escape his recent divorce.

Lieutenant John Edgecumbe

In charge of the marines on Captain Cook’s Resolution, John befriends Maria and Chris and falls in love with Maria.

Sir Johann Reinhold Forster

Naturalist on Captain Cook’s ship, befriends Chris and Maria and helps with time travel equinox theories. Ultimately hands them over to Juan Josef.

Captain James Cook

Captain of the Resolution, making his second journey through the Pacific on behalf of the Royal Society to map the islands and search for a possible southern continent in the arctic.

Olivia Bishop

The actress that played Maggie on Fairview Nights and dated Jack while they were costars, leaving him for another actor when she took a role in a movie overseas between seasons.

George Thomas Bennet

Richard Albrecht’s ancestor and the man they intend to kill to change things.

Pierre Beaumarchais

Rebel supporter who helps Juan Jr. secure a new ship bound for Virginia and buys the freedom of 3 slaves on Cecelia’s behalf.

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