Doug Koch

Owen’s flirty cousin who works at the campground and befriends Alaina during her stay.

Liam Klein

Anna’s young son she’s anxious to be returned home to. He was 5 and left with her parents at the time of the crash.

Anna Klein

Nurse. Recently started dating a doctor at her hospital and agreed to be his date at a wedding he was attending (Jack’s sister’s wedding). Killed by Juan Josef.


Alaina’s drummer boyfriend who she left behind when she encountered Chris at the concert.

James Lee Jackson (AKA Jim)

Born in Arkansas and grew up in Oklahoma, he won the lottery playing his mother’s numbers and boarded a flight to Bora Bora.

Isobel (Izzy)

Young girl who lost her hearing and was separated from her mother in the crash.


Translator for Captain Cook in Tahiti.

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