
Local fisherman in Eimeo who saves Chris’s life.

Frank Morello (AKA: Frankie)

East coast mobster from the 1920s who got caught smuggling alcohol on the east coast and moved his practice to the west coast, employing Zachary Charles William to serve as his captain. Went mad on the island claiming he saw the devil.

Charlotte Miller

A seventeen-year-old girl who’d been seated in the back of the plane with her brother. She and her brother were the subject of a controversial painting Bud brought back in his laptop files. Chase, her brother was wearing Nikes.

Sophia McCreary

Alaina and Cecelia’s mother who raised them on her own, changing her and her children’s names back to her maiden name after their father left.

Owen Koch

Cecelia’s husband, a trust-fund baby who met Cecelia at Ohio State. He volunteered to run his family’s campground in Minnesota and lives there full-time.

Juliana Martinez

Juan Jr.’s birth mother. Daughter to a rival drug family, her union to Juan Josef was arranged by their fathers. Juan Josef left her instead of marrying her and she left Juan Jr. in the mud overnight as his gates.

June McClendon

Jim’s ex-girlfriend who, once she became pregnant, left him with no trace as to where he could find them.

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